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Plant Respiration

Chapter 12 

Plant Respiration

Plant Respiration


  • Respiration is very complex process and is different from simple combustion and breathing. It is an energy releasing process. Thus, respiration is the process of oxidation- reduction wherein the organic substances are degraded to release energy which is incorporated in Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • Respiration is of two types.
  • (1)      Respiration in which free oxygen is utilized is known as aerobic respiration.
  • (2) While the respiration in absence of free oxygen is called anaerobic respiration.
  • Amount of energy released in case of aerobic respiration is much more as compared to anaerobic respiration.

Aerobic Respiration

  • This consists of three steps namely:
  • (a) Glycolysis or EMP pathway
  • (b) Kreb's cycle or TCA cycle and
  • (c) Electron transfer and terminal oxidation.
  • Glycolysis: lt is the first step in the respiration process taking place in the cytoplasm in presence or absence of oxygen, wherein glucose molecule breaks down into two molecules of pyruvic acid. The breakdown takes at body temperature and is aided by number of enzymes and co-enzymes.
  • (a) Kreb's cycle: This takes place in presence of oxygen in mitochondria of cells wherein pyruvic acid is degraded further to form carbon-dioxide, water and energy. The complete oxidation of glucose is represented as follows:
  • Glucose + oxygen Carbon-dioxide + Water + Energy
  • C6HizO6 + 6 O2 6 COM + 6 HzO + 673 k Cal
  • In this process, hydrogen is removed from the substrate and electrons released are transferred to generate ATP. The formation of ATP in mitochondria due to oxidation is called oxidative phosphorylation. The energy produced during respiration is incorporated in the form of ATP. In ATP it is stored in high energy phosphate bond which after breaking releases large amount of energy.

 Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation)

  • II is the respiration in the absence of oxygen and takes place in microorganism, bacteria and also yeasts. Il does not need mitochondria. During this process many toxic substances are formed. lt is incomplete oxidation and releases about 1/30'h of energy as released in aerobic respiration. The ultimate products of this respiration are carbon-dioxides, ethyl alcohol and several acids like lactic acid etc.

  • Abbreviations Used:
  • ADP: Adenosine diphosphate ATP: Adenosine triphosphate PGAL: 3-PhosphogIyceraldehyde
  • NAD: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide TCA: Tri-carboxylic acid.
  • NADP: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate NA DPHy: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diphosphate.

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