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Topical Drugs for Glaucoma

Topical Drugs for Glaucoma

Topical Drugs for Glaucoma

1. Beta adrenergic blockers

  • Timol
  • Betaxolol
  • Levobunolol
  • Carteolol
2. Alpha adrenergic blockers

  • Dipivefrine
  • Apraclonidine
  • Brimonidine
3. Prostaglandin analogues

  • Lantanoprost
  • Travoprost
  • Bimatoprost
4. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

  • Dorzolamide
  • Brinzolamide
5. Mitotics

  • Pilocarpine
  • physostigmine
  • Echothiophate


1. Timolol: Start with 0.25% eye drops BD, change to 0.5% drops in case of inadequate response. 0.5% OD as gel forming solution. GLUCOMOL, OCUPRES, IOTIM, LOPRES 0.25% and 0.5% eye drops. TIMOLAST 0.5% gel forming eye drops (long acting). Timolol 0.5% + Latanoprost 0.005%: LAPROST PLUS, LATOCHEK-T eye drops. 

2. Betaxolol: 0.5% topically in eye BD; OPTIPRES, IOBET, OCUBETA 0.5% eye drops. 

3. Levobunolol: 0.5% topically in eye OD; BETAGAN 0.5% ophthalmic solution. 

4. Dipivefrine: 0.1% topically in eye BD; PROPINE 0.1% eye drops. 

5. Apraclonidine: 0.5–1.0% topically in eye; ALFADROPS-DS 1% eye drops. 

6. Brimonidine: 0.2% topically in eye TDS; ALPHAGAN-P, BRIMODIN-P 0.15% eye drops, IOBRIM 0.2% eye drops.

7. Latanoprost: 0.005% topically in eye OD in evening; LACOMA, XALATAN, LATOPROST, 9 PM 50 µg/ml eye drops; LACOMA-T, LAPROST-PLUS, LATOCHEK-T with timolol 0.5% eye drops (store in cold place). 

8. Travoprost: 0.004% topically in eye OD in evening; TRAVATAN 0.004% eye drops (refrigeration of the eye drops not required); TRAVACOM 0.004% with timolol 0.5% eye drops. 

9. Bimatoprost: 0.03% as eye drops OD in evening; LUMIGAN, CAREPROST 0.03% eye drops; the eye drop need not be stored in refrigerator; CAREPROST-PLUS, GANFORT with timolol 0.5% eye drop. 

10. Pilocarpine: 0.5%–4% topically in eye; CARPINE, PILOCAR 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4% eye drops. 

11. Dorzolamide: 2% topically in eye BD–TDS; DORTAS, DORZOX 2% eye drops.

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