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Ganglionic Stimulants & Blocking Agents

Ganglionic Stimulants & Blocking Agents

Ganglionic Stimulants & Blocking Agents

Ganglionic Stimulants

a. Selective nicotinic agonists

  •  Nicotine (small dose)
  •  Lobeline
  •  Dimethyl phenyl piperazinium (DMPP)
  •  Tetramethyl ammonium (TMA)
  •  Varenicline
b. Nonselective/muscarinic agonists

  •  Acetylcholine
  •  Carbachol
  •  Pilocarpine
  •  Anticholinesterases
  •  MCN 343-A

Ganglionic Blocking Agents

a. Competitive blockers

  i) Quaternary ammonium comps.
  •  Hexamethonium
  •  Pentolinium
 ii) Amines
  • Mecamylamine 
  • Pempidine 
iii) Monosulfonium comp.
  • Trimethaphan- camforsulfonate

b. Persistent depolarizing blockers

  • Nicotine (large dose) 
  • Anticholinesterases (large dose)


1. Nicotine transdermal: NICOTINELL-TTS 10, 20, 30 cm2 patches releasing 7, 14, 21 mg nicotine per 24 hr respectively. In those smoking > 20 cigarettes every day—start with 30 cm2 patch, shift to smaller patches every 3–5 days, treat for 3–4 weeks. 

2. Nicotine chewing gum: NULIFE 1, 2, 4 mg chewing gum; In those smoking > 20 cigarettes/day—start with 4 mg gum chewed slowly for 30 min when urge to smoke occurs—gradually reduce to 2 mg gum and then 1 mg gum. In less heavy smokers—start at lower doses.

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